About Us

alpha Kappa Delta Phi is an international Asian-interest sorority with 67 chapters located at numerous universities across the United States and in Canada. Thousands of undergraduate and alumnae sisters support the rapidly growing network of strong and successful women in the organization. We are a proud charter member of the National APIA Panhellenic Association, which it helped charter in 2006. Visit the national website here and the national aKDPhi Facebook page here.
Love and Friendship
"Timeless Friendship Through Sisterhood"
Purple and White

alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Inc. fosters the making of successful leaders by assisting and challenging our members to reach their maximum potential. We strive to maintain the highest levels of integrity and innovation in the promotion of sisterhood, philanthropy, scholastic excellence, and Asian-Awareness in the community while creating lifelong relationships.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi Inc. will be the most respected, premier network of innovative female leaders within the community by:
Encouraging the growth of our members through cultural diversity and the expression of individuality;
Empowering our members to become pioneers for philanthropic, cultural, and scholastic programs worldwide;
Developing strategic collaborations and partnerships; and
Supporting initiatives promoting the sustainability of our organization and its mission.
National History
alpha Kappa Delta Phi was first established at the University of California, Berkeley in the fall of 1989, and was recognized by the College Panhellenic Association in the spring of 1990. The founding sisters, Susan Kim, Fannie Pon, Jill Yoshimura, and Reina Yuan, devoted themselves to creating a strong organization that would have the ideals of sisterhood, scholarship, leadership and Asian Awareness.
With the ideals of these women in mind, hundreds of sisters have since crossed into an incredible organization that the incredible founding sisters produced. While sharing common goals that encouraged pushing the individual forward in the community as well in herself, alpha Kappa Delta Phi has given many women the opportunity to create unbreakable friendships. Since the first chapter was established, alpha Kappa Delta Phi has grown to be the largest nationwide Asian-interest sorority and is now 67 chapters strong and still growing.
Chapter History
In the Spring of 2000, the 28th chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Eleven extraordinary women came together to form what would later be a recognized APIA organization on campus. The Charter Class, Amy Duong, Cindy Duong, Michelle Garcia, Melanie Gayagoy, Olivia Hsu, Angela Lee, Grace Lee, Jenny Lee, Duyen Nguyen, Karen Padua, and Jackie White, all came together with many goals, but most importantly with the intent of love and friendship.
ASA, Asian Sorority Association, was created in the years prior. The esteemed women of this organization worked hard to find and create a sorority that best suited their ideals. alpha Kappa Delta Phi extended a bid to these women and gave them the opportunity to be part of the largest nationwide Asian-interest sorority. Through hard work and dedication these women crossed into the eternal friendship that aKDPhi had offered them.
Since the Spring of 2000, alpha Kappa Delta Phi at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has grown and flourished into a strong organization with the ability to impact the community as well as the U of I campus. The sisters of alpha Kappa Delta Phi are thankful for what our founding sisters have created for us and hope to continue being role models for all men and women both on and off campus.